I spent breakfast with Dylan yesterday morning. Elise was meant to come too, but must have forgotten. We went to this place in South Melbourne and just talked about happy things, university and exchange. We also talked about how we read words/names. I told him I actually didn't know how to pronounce his last name, I just was familiar with the shape of it. I find that when I read books I hardly ever know the protagonist's name. Sometimes I read it wrong the whole way, but it's just because I familiarize myself shape of the name rather than sound out the letters.
Afterwards, I went to ACMI and saw a free exhibition "The Character - Candice Breitz". The exhibition was long, and if I was to watch each video the whole way through it would have taken at least half a day I'm sure. However, I did find what I watched very interesting. There were a number of interviews taken with twins who were asked to wear the same clothes. They were interviewed separately but in the same place as the other twin. They all talked about their lives growing up. Everyone had this very specific thing/moment/person that really impacted their life or kind of controlled their behaviour. There were these Korean twins who lived in Canada and they said while they were growing up, that they would bring friends over to the house and feel so ashamed of how the home smelt (because of the Korean food) that sometimes, beforehand, they would clean the house and take away anything that looked Asian. Later in the interview, they explained their reason for feeling ashamed of their background.
Another set of twins were talking about how their father was really abusive and that their brother was crazy. They had lots of fights in the house hold. They were even really visually describing one time where their older brother was fighting with the father outside and had taken down some barbed wire (that they had on their fence) and started scraping the father's head with it. It was so interesting though, just to watch the guys talk about these experiences and then laugh about it afterwards saying, "we were scared shitless at the time, but now we think it is pretty funny."
The other set of twins were these two queer girls who moved to America and were really close but had decided, together, that they should have certain things that only one of them would like/do/wear. They started setting boundaries - mainly about what clothes they could borrow off of each other and what piercings they could get. They also talked about how, because they were twins, people naturally tried to find differences in both of them. As they were growing up, friends would ask "who is the smarter one" or who is the "prettier one" and probably did this just to make it easier on themselves to differentiate between the two, but didn't realise that doing so would actually impact the twins and how they perceived themselves - and it did.
Anyway. I was there for quite a while.
I spent the night at Sarah's with Pandas and sarah's friend making dumplings. I really enjoyed chilling and chopping things up and realising that I have been wasting a lot of spring onion my whole life because I only eat part of it and not all of it like everyone else does.
We talked till almost midnight. I think I stopped talking like quite early cus after food I got tired, but I always like listening to people's stories and most of it was pretty funny. Like Sarah in the womb position.
The talks made me reflect myself a lot.
I walked home. I really love the empty streets, but since Canberra I find myself pretty anxious at night time. As much as I love it. I called Darcy about half way home (sorry for waking you up if you read this hahaha >:) ) and I felt better and safer.
I spent the morning painting in bed. Being sad after I realised that this thing I have been drawing for a while now kind of looks like no face. I watched Spirited Away this morning.
The guy who lives below me has been singing songs from the musical "Jesus Christ Superstar" and I wonder if this guy performs in musicals or whether he just sings musical songs...
I was thinking about the things I want to do/make this summer. A part of me was excited and the other was scared at the thoughts. I think that this is how I know whether something is worth pursuing or not. The things that are scary and exciting are probably the best, as it is quite balanced and they feed off of each other.