Monday, 10 September 2012

shannon's 21st + the perfect day


I took the bus down to Canberra early saturday morning. Mum and dad had warned me about drunk people who might be "stumbling home early in the morning." and told me to take care. I left the house at 6:30am and found myself cautiously walking through the park while staring at some person moving sneakily behind the row of cars parked on the side of the road. I had thought it was an old lady dressed in black, but it turned out to be a drunk guy who was trying to hide from me. Once I got half way through the park he started swearing at me and I was thinking, "... It's  soooo early in the morning stop being a cray and go to bed already, stupid."

I took the train and then hopped onto the bus that would take me to Canberra. The bus driver happily told me, "You can pick ANNNNYYYY seat on the bus! There aren't going to be many people on this trip." and I was super happy and spread myself out over two seats, pushed the seats back and managed to fall asleep on and off over the whole 9 hours.

Every time I woke up, I would look out the window and see so many beautiful things - fields filled with yellow flowers, changing skies, faint purple bushes, rainbows and deserted houses.

When I arrived sister Harris picked me up and dropped me home. After only 5 minutes of being home, dad had forgotten about the oil that he was heating on the stove (cus he was talking to me) and it burst into flames and then, without really thinking, he put the pan into the sink (he thought it was empty) but the sink was filled with water so all the oil and fire just floated on the surface of the water and the fire was like wWOOOOosshsHHHHhHHhhhh and it grew soooo big. And before I even reached the phone the fire just went out.

... It was an unexpected start to my Canberra visit. It's probably the first time I've seen such a huge indoor fire.. and I am thankful that it went out by itself.

I went to Shannon's 21st party. She had a "Wizard of Oz" theme. I came as the house that squashed the witch (I had little legs coming out of the side of the house I made). It was nice but sometimes a bit awkward to be there. I saw some people from high school that I haven't seen for 3 years. It was actually really lovely to just listen to what they've been up to and just see how they've matured. It was awkward to talk to Shannon's university friends. I am not very good at making conversation.


I spent the next day with Darcy. We went bike riding by the lake. We rode to two different parks and up and down small hills. At one point, we rode up this slope and at the top was a family just sitting on their bikes and I rode past them and said, "oh my god.. I am dying" and they all had a little chuckle at me.

We had lunch at this garden cafe. There were lots of fat birds sitting on trees and looking at the people eat food, hoping to get a bite. They were so cute and fat. I had a slice of carrot cake and a carrot juice..... yummm carrooootssss.

Darcy and I had awkward moments when people thought we were together. The waitress was like, "can you find a table for this couple??" and darcy and I were like ... eeeeeeeeeeeerrrr oh well, hahaha. And then this random guy who was riding his bike in the same direction  was talking to us about his kids and was like," when you guys have kids...." and we both looked at each other and made "not again !! cryy" and  "awkwarddd" faces and laughed again.

We rode our bikes back to our park. Our park has been newly renovated. They added this awesome circle rope swing and I sat on it and IT WAS FUN. I want oneeee. It was like a hammock but cooler. There was a huge sense of nostalgia being back at the park. We'd played there so many years ago, and I still remember some conversations we had there.

sitting on the giant spider

We stayed a long while at the park. It was because I insisted that we played childhood games - The one where you make a stall and sell things that you make out of things you find... And where the nuts that fall from the trees are money.

my awesome stall

I got quite into the game.... I really miss these games. Darcy walked around and found a dandelion and I had to buy it because it was so pretty, hahaha. I sold different coloured crushed leaves, a cherry blossom and other things. I even found a giant leaf that was glorious.

It was so so nice.

Later, we went back to my house and sat on the lawn in a patch of clovers. Darcy found a billion four leaf clovers and I was SO ANGRY cus I couldn't find any until the very end of the search (I found two, whoohoo) he even found a five leaf clover, that bitch.

: (

We sat for a while in the sun. We played guitar, ate strawberries... and also talked to a random lady that just decided to stop and make conversation with us for 10 minutes. My dad asked to us after she had left what the lady wanted and Darcy told my dad, "Izzy attracts a lot of random people." - It is quite true and I am not sure why but I am happy that the majority of them have been rather kind and peaceful. I was scared my dad would get worried about this fact, but he seemed OK with it when he replied, "which one is the random? Izzy or the stranger?"  haha.

Later, Lizbeth and Abbey dropped by briefly. It was so good to see the both and to listen to what has been happening in their lives. I didn't talk much (I had become so sleepy) but it felt like being back in high school (in a good way) I miss having these bright and energetic girls in my life. I love how they laugh so loudly and express their emotions so awesomely, haha. We talked about what we want to do after Uni and our plans for the future... and I feel relieved that they also are not super super sure.

Darcy came over for dinner. Dad cooked some really yum food (xichuan mapo tofu, beef and broccoli, asparagus and chicken and other thingssss) After dinner, he and I played piano, guitar and sung songs from Les Mis.

I had a really really happy Sunday. I would say that it was a perfect day.

sleep sleep sleep

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