Tuesday, 19 June 2012

we find ourselves in mysterious places

Semester came to an end on Friday. I'd say that I had a most happy time celebrating the finale. Throughout the day I felt cheerful and met up with a number of classmates and, as planned, we put together a card for the Pandas. I was so so glad everyone put in the effort to meet one last time to create something and write a few words.
I had gone to the vinyl place the week before and the man there showed me all these cool skillful people on the internet who do amazing work with their hands. I was so impressed.

Everyone was super happy about how our card turned out.

discussing the card over tea times

The week before Friday was filled with late nights and sickness. I just remember feeling terrible and my mind being quite blurry. Whenever I'm sick I feel so susceptible to my own suppressed worries or doubts. It was quite bad to see that certain things were really making my body unhappy. I drew so I didn't have to think.

I felt much better when Friday came. I was still pretty sniffly but I just wanted to celebrate and feel happy with friends. The exhibition was so crowded. I was glad there were so many people. I think I was very excited to see my friends from other classes. I spent lots of time walking about and also standing outside talking to people. I surprised Veev with my new iphone (she has been wanting me to upgrade my phone forever) I was like, "Veev... Come here. Oh my gosh... Guess what. I found something in my wallet. It's so random and unexpected. I didn't notice it before." and Veev came closer and was like "oooh. Gucci... so sneaky" and I opened my wallet and pulled out, from one of the inner pockets, my new phone and her face was like O_O and then went into a state of confusion. She thought I had taken her phone and put it in my wallet. HAHAHA.

I remember this night being particularly hilarious for many reasons. 

Afterwards, we wandered down the street to get some food. Sarah, Veev and I shared Thai, while Krisi, Michael, Chi, Jimmy, Frankie and Chien Yu ate kebabs. We then went do Night Cat and danced until the early morning. At the start of the night Veev was like, "LET'S GET DRUNK." and had two drinks and was like "NAH IZZY NAH I FEEL SICK" ahahahaha such a cutie. It was so nice to go out with everyone! Krisi, Veev and I were being a cat family together - just lots of meowing, dancing and cat kisses, haha. Krisi licked my face at one stage (she had warned me earlier that she might do so) and afterwards  remarked, "Izzy your face tastes sweet." Hahaha ok no one who has licked my face has said that before >.> (yes, people have licked my face before. I don't know why)

Veev and I took the taxi home. Fell asleep. Woke up at 1pm and sleepily went to Richmond and ate a bowl of Pho. It was delicious. We were both sooo sleepy. We wandered back to my house and on the way picked up some donuts. Veev helped me install "the apps I must have" so I have instagram now! Follow me if you have a smart phone @ _izzeh

When Veev left I fell asleep instantly. I slept for a couple of hours and woke up feeling tired and headachy. I told Shannay and Dylan that I was going to attend Michael's birthday celebrations in the city. I was not that keen at first but I forced myself out of the house and met with Dylan at Melbourne Central. I think it was around 10:30 that I got there. We waited a half hour for Shannay to arrive from Glen Waverely. Dylan and I had a good chat about everything when we waited. He is such an easy guy to get along with and I am so very glad to have had a comm class with him this semester as I have gotten to know him more!

When Shannay arrived we went to this place on Kings Street. It was a club. I was laughing so much because I literally haven't been clubbing in 2 years. I felt really really really old. HAHAHA. It was a really good happy night though. Michael had many shots and was bouncing around being happy! Alice came too and it was really good to see her because I knew that the next day she'd be leaving Australia (she is on exchange from England)

lights lights lights

When I got home I used my torch to find my way back into my room (I didn't want to turn all the lights on just in case I woke up Jing) My room was turned into a disco party when I shone it (by mistake) into the crystal goat my aunty got me for my birthday. 

goat on my wall.
I slept so well that night.

On Sunday night I went to Tracy's. Jimmy, Chi, Frankie, Tracy and Chien Yu were there. Together we watched "Sunny" - A Korean movie. Everyone needs to watch it. It is great. I was laughing uncontrollably at some points. It is one of the best movies I have seen this year - watch the trailer

Tracy has such a beautiful view of the city lights.

I left after the movie and headed to Sarah's house. She lives just up the road from me so it only takes about 10 minutes to walk there. She was keen on learning some guitar and I was super happy to teach her some! We played and chatted till 3am. She is such a fast learner, I was super impressed by her skills. 

Anyway... I am happy that the semester is over. I have been craving a break & there is much for me to do. I feel like I need to find myself again.


PS. I will most likely be changing my username to izze-h at the end of the week. So if my blog disappears it is because I have changed it to that!

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