teeth. out. tomorrow.
I saw my doctor last week and literally made her check everything. She told me that I got food poisoning and that it could take up to a month to fully recover because this food poisoning made a virus on my stomach or some cray thing. However, I am feeling way better now.
I'm really not looking forward to tomorrow. Im not getting put under and I'm not just getting needles. It's like... I am just drugged so I am totally OK about what is happening and I can be aware of things but apparently I will be at peace with it all?? And then after a while I will forget... according to my doctor.
The operation is early in the morning. I cant eat or drink anything 6 hours beforehand. That shouldn't be a problemo.
I have been in bed for almost 3 weeks. I got offered to redo a menu in a Melbourne cafe by one of my friend's friends. It's odd that when I apply for jobs I don't get it and then when I don't apply for things ... I get something. But it has been really good. The owner has been really kind to me and I think this experience is good, even though I don't get to design anything.
I made a house for my cat and she loves it. Whoohoo. And I have been helping out with a garage sale my ma and pa had (I designed the space. HAHAHA oh university comes in handy. Not really... but kind of actually)
I met with Abbey yesterday. She picked me up and we saw a Breaking Dawn and I laughed so hard through the whole movie, gosh it was horrible.
I am so looking forward to some movies that are coming out soon!
My sister got engaged a while ago and only recently their landlord decided to move back into the house. So my sister and her fiance (that is still weird for me to say) are moving back into my family home. My sister said to me, "IT'LL BE JUST LIKE OLD TIMES" ... which is... true and will be interesting. My brother will have to move back in, haha.
I sat in the garden today and my cat came and sat next to me.
Canberra has such beautiful sunsets... Almost every day. It's super lovely.
Photos later...
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