Saturday, 5 May 2012

arooo oo o

Tea kept us warm all day. The weather was continuously drizzly but, nonetheless, we had a few nice people visit the Pandas' garage sale and talk a bit about their lives and what they did & where they were off to. There was a hockey player who had lived in Berlin for a year and could speak French and German and a girl from Spain who was studying Architecture at RMIT for a little while & also the neighbours.

It was sad to see that the tree outside their house had been cut down because it was messing up the gutters or something. It was worse because the stump was still there and the rest of it was piled on the side. Loads of small shavings of bark covered the soil and parts of brick in a yellowy orange.

The light rain covered everything in a cold veil. Branches collected droplets and so did spiderwebs.

We talked about a lot of things - the past, costume parties, childhood toys, favourite past times/moments/memories, old school TV shows, choice/freedom/diversity & more.

The day was, in some way, quite peaceful. I got really tired before dinner. I think it was the warmth of the heater, comfort and that my body digesting conversations. I curled up on the chair and almost fell asleep, but then got distracted by hilarious animal gifs on tumblr. We were laughing our faces off at this one - hahaha

I found a bug on me while I was in the backyard. I kind of put it on a leaf (shook it off till it fell onto the leaf..) I really love Andii's garden of little plants.

While I was in the backyard I was admiring the purple flowers that grew quite vigorously along the back fence. When I turned around a looked up I saw this door... I love it, ahhhh.

Ariel cooked a super yumyum dinner. I ate it all.

I really like spending time with these Pandas. A lot of the time I feel like I don't say much in conversation... But I suppose it might be just cus my body/mind is taking in everything. & I don't mind that. I love their curiosity towards the world & also their happy laughter.

When I left, the moon was bright and almost full. I could't help but feel animal. I texted Darcy, "moon moooon mooon moonnnn!!" (which is such an effort to type with an old phone. M/N/O are all on the same number!!) He texted back straight away saying he was just about to text me the same. Hahaha oh god. I told him I really wanted to aroo to the moon or go for a run or bite, and he said he wanted to do the same. When I got to my park I called him up and we both arooooed loudly to the moon and it felt nice. I think it'll be better to be high up on a building and just yelling out really loudly to the wooorld. I really want to do that one day.

The full moon tonight reminded me of the night of Sarah's birthday. When the crab family went to the roof of my apartment in Taiwan and lay down on a blanket and looked up at the sky. I saw the stars and the clouds and the moon. I could have fallen asleep under them...

tired (as always)


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