Monday, 30 April 2012

so cold

It has kind of just occurred to me how much shit I have to do for history. This makes me unhappy.

I spent Sunday attempting to leave the house. It is actually quite ridiculous that I wake at 7 or 8 and don't often don't leave home until after noon. It makes me feel gross. So I've decided that I need to "get out of the house, izzy, just do it... do it now." I know I spent a lot of time with my guitar and I did read and also draw some things but I really didn't feel like I accomplished much at all... So late in the afternoon I headed to Uni to get some rhino/3dmax done. I've actually become quite keen on 3dmax. I cant wait to learn how to animate things & it's nice because I remember at the start of the semester my mind literally felt like it was imploding... but now I like it!

After I finished what I wanted to do, I met up with panda Ariel to chill and eat some mango ice with "exploding jelly". It was so crazy. The exploding jelly was crazy I DONT UNDERSTAND IT. I wish I took a photo of it... but my bag was crammed so full of things I was taking to my grandma's that night I couldn't be fussed to pull it all out. I will definitely take a photo if I go there again and I will definitely be taking friends who visit to this place to eat this exploding jelly to just see your faces O_O it was like... caviar... but bigger... and sweet and a little sour.

I had a nice night just chatting and getting to know this panda more. I learnt that Dali was afraid of death and his body is in his museum and I saw a really beautiful and calm alleyway that I had never seen before, with lights that seemed to just float in the air.

After returning the book I never read to the library, I took the train to Glen Waverely to see my grandparents. I arrived at the station a bit early so I went and had dinner at this pho place. It was great. My friend had posted on twitter that she had made a whoooole bunch of Pho earlier in the day and all day I was just craving it. It was delicious when I had it, but I felt sooo full and sleepy afterwards.

My aunties picked me up and when I arrived my PP was still downstairs just writing notes. So I gave her a massage and hello kisses. I asked my GG if he wanted a massage too but he was always like, "noooo it's okkkkk give PP a massage" and being shy.

before dreams

I woke up with the sun again. I had left the window open so I was absolutely freezing but at the same time I enjoyed the crisp air. I will always love the start of winter and the smell and feel of the air. It reminds me of days where I used to walk to school early in the morning. When I left home, I would open the front door and see a white lawn and frozen windscreens of my family car. I'd put my hands up to the windscreen and let the warmth from my hands melt away the layer of frost. I loved feeling my hands get soooo cold and I loved how the grass would snap and crunch under my feet when I walked over it. 

I spent all day at my grandparent's house. I made them french toast for breakfast and gave them more massages. The cleaner came at noon and, i suppose it was bad timing, but a couple minutes after May came in I gave my grandma a kiss on the cheek and like walked off quickly to do something else (not on purpose) but she was like, "who was that??" and I went back to her and i was like, "... It was me." and she was like, "Oh, I thought it was May." Hahaha. 

It's so interesting to be in the house when PP, GG and May are communicating. There are like four different dialects flying about because May normally speaks Mandarin, but my grandparent's speak Cantonese. So they try and communicate with each other in whatever way possible. They've even started communicating in the older chinese dialect... I've forgotten what it is called. But there is always a bit of each dialect and a bit of english being spoken.

In the late afternoon I watched Titanic with PP. It has been many many years since I watched it. My body because super uncomfortable when there were the scenes where Leo and Kate were on the bottom floor of the ship and it was all flooding like crazy and there seemed like there was no way out. So much water.

I spoke to PP a bit about her life. She had 11 siblings. She met GG when she was 21 at University but had to evacuate because the Japanese were invading. She studied Arts (because it was the "easiest")

Uncle came and picked me up to take me to the train station in the evening. When I opened the garage to let him in, he was saying something at the door. When the noise of the garage door stopped I asked, "Whaaaat did you say?" and he was pointing at some plants I couldn't see and was laughing, "Hey that looks like marijuana." I laughed so hard cus it was so so so peculiar and unexpected hearing that from my Uncle. They kind of did though.

sunset from the train

I've been talking to Darcy loads lately. It's been nice to just chat to each other about what's been happening. Today I texted him while on the train to dinner that the moon was half full so we should half "arroooooo" to it and he replied, "I was just looking at the moon!" Haha, I love the idea that we're looking at the same thing even though we're in different places. Creepy, but also quite cool, things happen to us like that. Like one time, my friend left to the airport at 4am cus his flight was super early and after he left I was looking at my phone, kind of hoping that someone would text me, despite it being so early. And then my phone lit up and Darcy had just texted me something completely random. He recently sent me this song he made and it has a super super awesome tune and I can't wait to hear it when it's done.  

i still feel pretty animal even though it's only half moon

I met up with Maeface and Casi for dinner. It was nice to see these girlies cus it has been ages since we've properly hung out together. Listening to hilarious stories from Casi about the place she works and some crazy Russian people.

Waiting at the train station was very very cold.

I'm thinking that I am needing to do my routine "disappearing" till the weekend. I have been feeling pretty OK lately, but I think it's time for me to take a break from others and also from too much thought.



Sunday, 29 April 2012

a cat and a phone

a cartoon my friend and i made up a year ago - finally drew it up.

Saturday, 28 April 2012


The waiter asked, "How would you like your meat?"
The bear replied, "ROAR"

A little story I just thought of hohohoho.


It has been a long while since I've visited the beach. I took a chance and caught the tram to the beach. I took the wrong tram... But I swapped and arrived just as it started to set. Half the sky was covered in dark cloud, but towards the city the sun could still be seen behind the clouds. The ocean breeze was cold like a cray cray, but it was sort of nice.

I took a whole bunch of photos cus I got too excited. There were some people either in the ocean or on the beach and they had these massive parachute things - I have no idea what they are called but they looked like birds and it looked so lovely against the sunset.

also today:
My wall video finished uploading fiiiinally. I put the link at the bottom of my previous post.

I took a walk up and down Chapel Street and I bought a .. monocle. I suppose I didn't really need it... but it caught my attention so I thought I better buy it and make it into something.

Am feeling slightly bad... My roomie has hung up our washing for three weeks. SHE IS JUST SO FAST. I literally ran to the washing machine a couple minutes after I heard it finish and she was already at the clothes hanger hanging it up.

I've been playing guitar quite a bit. I'm wanting to learn Lua - Bright Eyes, Satellite Heart - Anya Marina and Sea of Love - Cat Power. Am slowly getting there!


living home

Despite the occasional loud footsteps of children or large adults running in the apartment above me, I have come to love my home. It seems to me to be it's own creative, living, being. 
I suppose it would be right for me to say that I have been observing it - it's habits, movements and personality. 

I used to hate how the dampness of the shower would make the paint peel off the walls in the bathroom. It has the paint looking bubbly and broken. I tried covering it up with another layer of paint, but it would just peeled and bubbled off again. I don't mind it anymore. I suppose what made it ugly was that I tried to cover up the wall in the first place. 

What I love most is the gradual movement of light along different walls, through doors and gaps of curtains. 

 light moves through doorways

horizons appear



OH MAN. I recorded my wall for an hour and I'm converting the file right now so that I can speed it up to be about 2 minutes and it is taking sooo long. I'll post up the video later today.

Yesterday, was the studio exhibitions at Uni. The day was so beautiful and bright I wasn't keen on being inside.

I had to run off because I wanted to meet mum before she went back to Canberra. We had some fruit juice and just chatted for a while. As usual, I was running late and I was texting her saying, "Sorry, I'll be there in 5 minutes am just on the tram!!" and she replied, "I'll be waiting at the top of the escalator waiting to BOOOO you!". I was laughing because it was so easy to visualize her at the top and pointing at me and booing as I slowly came up the escalator. It was nice meeting with her because I hadn't spent much time with her over the week. It was kind of sad towards the end because she told me PP wasn't feeling well and that "her time was soon" and that she'd gone downhill the last week. She told me that I should go up to see them next weekend or even sooner so to help my aunties and GG if they need anything and told me to "be prepared" if anything were to happen. I don't know what it was about the conversation but it made me feel like... rather uneasy. I am quite accepting of this situation, but I suppose it was just peculiar hearing calm words from mum about what to do and how I should act if anything were to happen.

Anyway, we said our goodbyes and I ran back to Uni.

It was actually really great, a lot of people from class got involved and it felt like our vinyl day had been reborn and we were all having fun.

Pandarosa and their class of pandas
our space

The exhibition was pretty good. It was interesting to see what the other classes were up to. I found a couple pieces super super funny and some other really beautiful. It was also great to be in the company of a bunch of friends I hadn't seen in ages. They are all so cute and lovely, hahahahaha.

Oh, and I broke my shoe... BUT IT WAS FINE. I spent the majority of the evening shoeless and that was nice. Andii helped me stick it together! And it lasted alllll the way hoooome.

bandaids for ma shoe

Afterwards, a few of us went for a stroll in the city to eat some yumyum japanese food and I also finally saw the Taiwanese/Hong Kong Dessert house place and wow there were sooooo many humans wanting dessert goodness. It was a really nice afternoon and evening. 

And I feel utterly happy to have these people in my life.

Friday, 27 April 2012

"it's like picking up a sock"

Darcy just related picking up a huntsman spider to picking up a sock. Hahaha.

After the rhino and 3d max class (which I enjoyed cus I learnt lots and Louis was keen on teaching me about rain and I was like "Whooo hoooo rainnn!!" and also whoohoo cus I managed to build the top of my dandelion!), Shannay and I took a late night walk down swanston to return a book to the city library. I always like walking in the city at night. There are so few people. During the walk, I picked up some Miso soup and I was like, "Miso soup makes ME SO happy!! HAHAHAHA" hohohoh I am so funny.

"...sometimes someone can come into your life and fuck everything over!!!"

When I got home Darcy called and we talked about everything. Most of the times we talk it's great and such a release of thoughts and feelings on things. It's funny because I know whenever he's going to say, "pardon?" when I haven't said something clearly enough. Tonight we talked a lot about questioning everything and how that is important for us to grow. We also were talking about time and how that's measured and how moments are just moments in memory and how life is a fluid and continuous. We talked about relationships, too... and shared stories of emptiness and sadness. But it was good and our conversations were happy. I am glad to have spoken to him for a long while.

thank you

Wednesday, 25 April 2012


I haven't sketched in ages. So it was time to do some! I also really wanted to practise using photoshop to colour so I attempted colouring one of the people...

attempt one

Hopefully after some more practise i'll get better at colouring!! 

It felt so nice drawing again.


walk with me
into the dark
until the sky
falls down on us

familiar places
turn mystical
and we are lost
in the impossible

but don't lose hope
we'll walk till dawn
let the light fill our eyes
until we find home

until we find home

slept in

... I woke up at ten. This is the first time I've slept in for at least the past 3 months! I suppose it's because there was no sun to wake me this morning and the rain kept falling all night which really lulled me to sleep.

I had dreams of moving home and being grouped with a new person to live with. I remember missing my bedroom (the one I'm in right now) and wishing that I didn't have to move. I think conversations of last night made me dream of this. I suppose my room really has become my place of comfort. I don't quite remember the rest of my dreams... But I do remember one from a couple nights ago... I found myself at the Sydney bus terminal and I felt like I was really in Sydney. But then, I noticed that the world around me was dark and it was probably past midnight. I was trying to find my way to my friend's dorm so I asked a taxi man where it was and he told me to walk across a dark field to get there and it would only take 10 minutes. At this point I realised it was a dream and just went with it. I was like... Why would I walk when I can flyyyy?.... I don't remember much more.

I've been playing guitar lately. I might actually post a video of a cover one day. But yeah... It's been really good. I had a sort of break from playing guitar or I just didn't seem to want to play it anymore... But now I feel like i'm back on track and maybe my mind will come up with more music. I think this guitar is one of the best things I've ever bought because it has only really every brought me happiness and a way to express how I feel through music. So I am so thankful to have it. (Whoa, my room just lit up with light...)

Yesterday was so so cold. It was colder than Canberra in the morning and Canberra is SUPER COLD in winter. I really wish it would snow here. Snow would be beautiful to see. In class, we were making kind of 3D sculptures out of our past 2D work. I forgot to bring all my cutting tools and glue so i was awkwardly borrowing everybody's everything.


At lunchtime, Veev and I had another hazelnut hot chocolate from the place we went to the day before. We decided it was super sweet so next time we'll ask them do just give us half the amount of hazelnut/chocolate and just more milk. After, we went to the 5$ bookstore and Veev bought a ton of books and I got another one of the little note books by paperways. The notebook made me so so happy. I felt so much joy when I opened it. - Whenever I feel really happy I remember Ann saying to me, "Izzy, when you're happy... It's scary. You get REALLY happy."

For some reason, my old art teacher kept coming into my mind. It's been a while since I've heard from him and he didn't seem the greatest when I last spoke to him. I remember when Sarah and I used to go to him saying, "Oh my god, Mr. Hill you should look at this art it's so cool!" and he'd reply, "But why is it cool?" and just question the hell out of it. He was the most interesting character. He made us all cry. But he made us better and he made me believe in myself more. I really miss the art room.

After the afternoon class, I went and did some Rhino. I can't believe I forgotten so many of the commands. Rahhh! It took me a whole hour to draw up a little dandelion seed in 3d. I managed to finish what I wanted to do so I'm content.

I went to see an exhibition at the First Site gallery at RMIT that the Pandas told the class to go to. They had a fairy floss machine and covered the walls with this pink cloudy web. It was pretty cool. I felt a bit out of place because I only knew the Pandas and no one else from class went! Rah. But the fairy floss was yum, haha.

I rushed back to my home in the rain and met with Sarah X and Veev to make dumpliiiiiiiings!!!

cooking the deliciousness

our inside picnic

After dindin, Veev went home and Sarah and I watched This Must Be The Place. I really enjoyed the movie, I feel like I have to watch it again cus I was so tired last night towards the end. 

Was a good day.

Monday, 23 April 2012


MISS. LEDOUX I LOVE YOU (rhyming, whoohooo)
I am so so so so so so excited! Hahahaha. Sarah just made my night by harmonizing to a cover I did of Hey Ya! Yayyyyyyyyy! I miss living with this girlie so very much! We always ate delicious food and had the best past-midnight conversations. Love you Love you & I miss us!

rah rah rah!

you're a taco

Today veev and I wandered around the city. We met up in the morning at NGV because I wanted to show her some contemporary pieces by Brent Harris (mainly "no.21" and the ones that looked similar) that I thought she'd like! When I got to NGV I texted Veev, "I hope you're not sleeping" and she replied like 10 minutes later with, "OH SHIT" and I quickly replied, "... YOU SUCK" but she was kidding and had just walked through the gallery doors, hahaha..

We ended up taking a look around the whole of the NGV and managed to lose each other in the galleries. We decided, afterwards, that it would be an awesome place to play hide & seek.

veev and Rothko

Afterwards we had lunch at the vegan place on Degraves and then went to the Hopetoun Tea Rooms to have some tea and scones. As we were waiting in line, veev pointed out that the lady behind us with three kids (all holding iphones/ipads) was Lleyton Hewitt's wife. We overhead one of his kids say, "Daddy's a taco!" and veev and I couldn't stop laughing. It was so so funny.

Tea and scones was really nice. But the tea there is so so expensive and really it's only hot water and leaves. Earl grey with lavender shouldn't be 6$ !

afternoon noms

After tea, we went for a walk in the rain to Wunderkammer. It has a lot of rough and interesting stones.  We were trying to find one that I could make into a necklace for Veev. We both though that bismuth was super cool. I really loved sun pyrite! We spoke to the shop lady for a long time, she was super keen on getting a massive stone ring made. She was really helpful and let us both hold and touch all the stones, hahaha. We didn't end up buying any of them despite loving a lot of them, we didn't feel like we found the right one. 

We spent the rest of the afternoon looking for other stores that stock stones and minerals... But we were pretty unsuccessful. We did, however, buy a couple of little note books from the 5$ book store. Veev struck a typography book goldmine just as we were about to leave the store, she was SO excited it was hilarious. 

Later, veev was craving some hazelnut hot chocolate so we wandered down Collins street until we found some really random passageway that I had never been in before. It was like a secret world and it was so cool! In actual fact, it probably isn't all that secret and hidden away, I just have never been there before. We found a little coffee shop and they had hazelnut hot chocolate so we both got some! It was sooo yum and a very nice way to end our outing.

yum yum yum!

I found the building, that we were sitting in, sooo cool so I told veev that we had to go upstairs to see what the interior was like. We caught the escalator up one level and accidentally entered a dental clinic.... It was really awkward but the front desk lady told us, "a lot of people accidentally come up here quite often." So we took the stairs back down, and then got into the lift and went up to the top floor. Again, somebody asked us what we wanted and I just told them I was interested to see the interior and they were like, "oooh ok, that's cooool." IT WAS COOL. I wanted to see if there was a roof, but it was almost peak hour so I wanted to leave the city before a lot of people emerged. We took the elevator back down and I pressed the buttons to a lot of different floors - I wanted to see if all the floors were the same. THEY WEREN'T! They were all built differently. I have no idea why I found it so so fascinating. But yes, it was super cool having the lift doors open and seeing a whole different setting each time. 

I said bye to veev and decided, seeing that the sun was still up and just about to set, I would walk home. It was a beautiful walk. The air was perfect and cold and the lighting was really nice. I walked along the grass near the botanical garden.

I always laugh when I see this in my park.

but maybe someone has really lost a pigeon... if so, they will never find it in that park. It is infested with pigeons. O_O

When I got home, I watched Midnight in Paris - I really enjoyed it. I think I need to watch it again.

"the emptiness of existence"

Sunday, 22 April 2012

soy ice cream

(yes, it is that time again)

nom nom nom that was tasty.

Lately, i've been feeling as though I should reinstate the purpose of my blog. I've been feeling a little bit self conscious and shy because I know a number of you readers are friends of mine! I know that's a little silly, but sometimes I feel like I am almost inclined to begin a conversation with one of you within my entry, haha. I felt as though I had forgotten that this blog is simply a way for me to record my life so that in the future I can look back here and see what I have created, what i've seen and how i've felt. It is a personal blog, but I've given the link out so that you friends can see what's been happening, too! : )

Anyway, yes.

I've only just realised how much I enjoy crossing in the park at night to get to my house. It's so lovely to be able to look up at the clouded and starry sky without seeing buildings. The air is crisp too. There is a great tree with a single park bench underneath it. Earlier in the year the leaves were such a light green. Now they are slowly falling to the ground. I love how the fallen leaves fill the entire ground beneath the trunk. A huge and complete circle of orange and brown leaves.

Yesterday, I spent the day at the Finders Keepers market. I had a super enjoyable day. The space near Vic's store was constantly busy with people buying coffees and hot chocolate and, consequently, we had frequent groups of people coming over. I was a little bit nervous at the start of the day because it has been quite a few years since I've worked at a market! But as the day went on I felt more and more comfortable. Vic and I got into a really good routine. Towards the end of the day we reached "insane-o'clock" - the last hour of the day. We were both completely exhausted. Vic kept wanting to check the time on her iphone and I kept joking that I would throw it across the room if she looked. (She looked like three times, hahaha) each time I would be like, "NO, VIC, NO!". The day went super successfully!

On my way home I stopped by Loving Hut to get some vegan food and I ran into Mark (architect guy who works in the same space as where I intern with Vic) I must have given him a fright because he literally forgot everything he wanted to order. It was pretty awkward to see him, but it was also really nice because I don't get to talk to him much while working.

When I got home, I received some happy messages from lovely Lizabeth who I miss so very very much. : ) She is one of my best friends, I can't wait to see her in June and maybe have a music day where we just play piano, guitar and sing songs together.

A couple of days ago I was looking at random books in the library and I found the most beautiful book on Italian hill towns. I think that's what the book is called too... But wow. I want that book and also to visit these places, ahhhh so beautiful.

This morning, I tried to do some stuff. I don't know what for. I'm hoping that it will somehow relate to my history essay and the short film I am attempting to do for it. I still don't know what my essay topic is but I'm trying not to think too much about it or I will freak out... And that is not what I want to do.


I had breakfast with the Pandas and the other SSCC girlies - Yasmin and Valaya - at the Auction rooms. We discussed what we planned to do for the exhibition coming up at the end of the week! 

yummy breakfast- banana and walnut bread with espresso butter

After the lovely breakfast I went to ACMI to see William Kentridge - Five Themes
writing notes

I was actually blown away about how awesome the majority of his films were. A number of them reminded me of Maya Deren's films. I think my heart actually was beating faster the whole time I was in the exhibition. His process and the outcomes were fantastic. I was just.... in awe and I loved the films where he used charcoal and then a single blue colour. The colour became so so powerful and beautiful. I also loved a whole bunch of his other films, so people in Melbourne you should definitely go see this! 

goooooo noooowwww.

Afterwards, I wandered to the Pandas' temporary studio. I walked up a long flight of stairs to reach the penthouse. It was an old building but I the interior was super super interesting. My camera ran out of battery so I couldn't spend much time at all taking photos, and I didn't get any good shots of what I wanted to take photos of! Rahhh. I thought the shower space was super interesting. It reminded me of one that I saw in the Italian Hill Towns book I read earlier in the week. So I suppose that made me like it more! Haha. I spent a lot of time outside on the roof. The sun was setting and I was keen on watching the colours of the sky change.

a bit of inspiration

the text that followed


songs right now-
mexico - jonquil
aruarian dance - nujabees
sea of love - cat power
cold war - clams casino

Thursday, 19 April 2012

i accidentally called my teacher, "dude"

I want to cry because I am so happy.

 editing colours, fixing cameras and adding light sources
adding glass, reflective and glowing effects!


i will be better.

crab family

missing you guys so much! I love you my special crab family. 

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

what will we do

Together we ventured to Bulleen - to the Heidi Museum and sculpture garden.

The day was so bright, there were no clouds in sight.

It was nice to be out of the classroom together and to get to know one another. The sculptures were quite alright, but I was more interested in the nature around it. I felt almost as if the sculptures were too foreign to the environment. I hoped to find some which had been worn down by the weather or covered by it, maybe in the future.

Veev and I rode the Pandas' bikes all around the garden. I'd almost forgotten how much I love bike riding. I wanted to lift my hands up in the air, but I was worried I'd fall off. I loved the movement of air around me. Riding made me feel so happy.

stopping to try and find four-leaf clovers

I came across things gathered and left by other hands

While exploring we found a great tree. It had fallen down, but was still growing. It was so perfect for climbing and felt comfortable and peaceful to sit up on its strong branches.


i love my cats, haha

Afterwards, we congregated and ate together. The food was super yummy and fresh. I think we were all quite content.

our snacks

delicious lentil roll (vic markets)

After the happy noms, we all separated and began to draw/paint our sculptures. Veev and I took a while to find something that inspired us. We accidentally wandered out of Heidi.... but we came across a most beautiful world.

a hidden valley

memories of childhood

yellow moss on branches

broken wire fence

Later, we took the train back into the city. The sun was setting so I walked up from Flinders to the park and said goodnight to the sun.

breakfast noms

Monday, 16 April 2012


I've been super up and down the past week. I am hoping this feeling will go away soon.

I met up with mum and dad at the NGV and we had some coffee and macaroooonnnnsss. They had never lay down on the NGV floor to look up at the ceiling so I told them to do it! Mum was too shy to do it so he just took photos of dad and me lying down. Sillyyy.

I spent the weekend at pp and gg's. It's so nice to see them. PP was feeling ill the first night. I was pretty worried. The previous week she told me she knew she didn't have much time left. But whenever I go to visit she gives me a huge hug and I feel that she is so strong.I like being there to give her massages and also just notice her facial expressions and see her laugh. GG loves nature programs so I ask him what he's been watching, but I don't talk to him as much. Sometimes I feel like I'm disturbing him. I remember a few years back he was asking me to come and help him choose a new car. He was so excited. It was nice.

When night fell, I began to feel doubt in myself and some sort of overwhelming nervousness. I don't know why this has suddenly happened. I haven't felt this in quite a while. It was almost alien to me, I'd forgotten that part of myself but then it just appeared in front of me. A darkness and discomfort. I felt so ill.

It was surprising how easily sleep came to me.

I woke up to the sunrise and my mind cleared. I watched for almost an hour as it slowly rose. The colours were so beautiful. I heard the birds waking up and in the distance I heard loud trucks moving heavily along the highway. I went back to bed.

When I properly woke up I ate my vitamin right away (cus I didn't want to forget) and about 20 minutes later I felt like I was dying. It was only because I hadn't eaten anything else. So I tried to eating some fruit but I literally wanted to throw up and die. SO a note-to-self to never doing that again. (I told my old roomie about this and she said, "You totally did that when we were living together in Taiwan." - I felt so silly. I can't believe I forgot that. I suppose I forget painful things?)

During the day I celebrated my cousin's son's fourth birthday. He had a lego birthday cake. The icing was so blue, it looked like someone had run around the room and painted everybody's faces blue. It was pretty funny. The kids were pretty cute. There were the obvious tantrums and "accidents". It was so interesting to hear and see them interacting. Most of the time they were doing their own thing. A little girl came to me with some random toy and she told me she'd make me as many fruit drinks as I wanted. So i got a mango, a strawberry and mandarin juice. I imagined that it was tasty.

My cousin brought his SLR to take photos of his kids and family. I played with it for a while and now I am keen on getting my own. It's fun to be able to manually zoom ect. I REALLY MISS BEING ABLE TO ZOOM ON A CAMERA. But I have gotten quite used to the fact my camera doesn't zoom (even though I did have dreams where I was able to zoom. It was amazing)
He bought himself a Leica a couple years ago. He let me play around with it and it was super beautiful, but sooo expensive. Oh man.

I had a nice time at the party. I left early to go to Uni with Shannay and do rhino work. We stayed there all day and most of the night. I'm really glad that I have to meet up with. It makes doing the work so much easier and more fun, even though we always have silly, but fun, arguments about things.

The train ride back to Glen Waverely was pretty funny. We were both so tired and delusional. I remember laughing a lot.

That night I couldn't sleep. My head was filled with unfinished work. I felt as though I should have been content working for 6 hours and doing some work. But I wasn't. I read till sleep came.

This morning the world was covered in a fog. I woke up to and email from Eddie that began, "... ughh, I am sooooo hung over." Hahaha. It was so nice to hear from him and hear that he had fun celebrating becoming older. I miss him always.

I spent the first half of the day with mum, buying asian food and looking at an op shop and redecorating my room. It was a very nice morning.

Later I went to Uni to finish off Rhino and 3dMAX. I'm happy this part is over.

I'm thinking of going away for a couple of days.