I had dreams of moving home and being grouped with a new person to live with. I remember missing my bedroom (the one I'm in right now) and wishing that I didn't have to move. I think conversations of last night made me dream of this. I suppose my room really has become my place of comfort. I don't quite remember the rest of my dreams... But I do remember one from a couple nights ago... I found myself at the Sydney bus terminal and I felt like I was really in Sydney. But then, I noticed that the world around me was dark and it was probably past midnight. I was trying to find my way to my friend's dorm so I asked a taxi man where it was and he told me to walk across a dark field to get there and it would only take 10 minutes. At this point I realised it was a dream and just went with it. I was like... Why would I walk when I can flyyyy?.... I don't remember much more.
I've been playing guitar lately. I might actually post a video of a cover one day. But yeah... It's been really good. I had a sort of break from playing guitar or I just didn't seem to want to play it anymore... But now I feel like i'm back on track and maybe my mind will come up with more music. I think this guitar is one of the best things I've ever bought because it has only really every brought me happiness and a way to express how I feel through music. So I am so thankful to have it. (Whoa, my room just lit up with light...)
Yesterday was so so cold. It was colder than Canberra in the morning and Canberra is SUPER COLD in winter. I really wish it would snow here. Snow would be beautiful to see. In class, we were making kind of 3D sculptures out of our past 2D work. I forgot to bring all my cutting tools and glue so i was awkwardly borrowing everybody's everything.
At lunchtime, Veev and I had another hazelnut hot chocolate from the place we went to the day before. We decided it was super sweet so next time we'll ask them do just give us half the amount of hazelnut/chocolate and just more milk. After, we went to the 5$ bookstore and Veev bought a ton of books and I got another one of the little note books by paperways. The notebook made me so so happy. I felt so much joy when I opened it. - Whenever I feel really happy I remember Ann saying to me, "Izzy, when you're happy... It's scary. You get REALLY happy."
For some reason, my old art teacher kept coming into my mind. It's been a while since I've heard from him and he didn't seem the greatest when I last spoke to him. I remember when Sarah and I used to go to him saying, "Oh my god, Mr. Hill you should look at this art it's so cool!" and he'd reply, "But why is it cool?" and just question the hell out of it. He was the most interesting character. He made us all cry. But he made us better and he made me believe in myself more. I really miss the art room.
After the afternoon class, I went and did some Rhino. I can't believe I forgotten so many of the commands. Rahhh! It took me a whole hour to draw up a little dandelion seed in 3d. I managed to finish what I wanted to do so I'm content.
I went to see an exhibition at the First Site gallery at RMIT that the Pandas told the class to go to. They had a fairy floss machine and covered the walls with this pink cloudy web. It was pretty cool. I felt a bit out of place because I only knew the Pandas and no one else from class went! Rah. But the fairy floss was yum, haha.
I rushed back to my home in the rain and met with Sarah X and Veev to make dumpliiiiiiiings!!!
cooking the deliciousness
our inside picnic
After dindin, Veev went home and Sarah and I watched This Must Be The Place. I really enjoyed the movie, I feel like I have to watch it again cus I was so tired last night towards the end.
Was a good day.
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