Friday, 13 April 2012


... that song has been stuck in my head all day.

Today we went to the sign writer's and they told the class the basics to how they do their work.


I was super impressed by all their skills. They also mentioned that they did sign writing for tv shows and movies and I actually never even thought about how some the signs in movies/tv shows have to be ordered and made. It just never occurred to me ahh. I love seeing people who are great at what they do. They were talking about how they missed the old days. 
I kind of wanted to stay and talk to them for longer. I feel as though I learn more when I'm with less people. I liked how they said they develop different muscles depending on what they're doing. It's so true. It's also something I don't often think about. 

After class I followed the sun and ended up on a hill in a park.
 Autumn is here!

I saw the sky.

And I wrote.

Afterwards, I met up with Rainbow and he and I ate gelato. He was so tired from work that he took a nap before we met up and he was super sleepyface. We looked at the stars and talked about the red one in the sky ... we both have no idea which planet that is. I played him some songs on his guitar. IT IS OBESE in comparison to mine. Hahaha. I found it quite difficult to play. He shared some new songs and some funny videos and we laughed about the hilarious "double rainbow" video. Makes me cry how happy or high that guy is when he sees that double rainbow, oh man.
I am so glad that Rainbow and I have become better friends. It's nice to listen to him talk about and question things. 


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