Monday, 9 July 2012

awkward birthday celebrations

 bahaha saro

panda and adam had the BEST COSTUME EVER. HAHAHAHA they made an elevator (adam is wearing out primary school jumper... i can't believe it still fits)

OK. Theme: Awkward.

Mum came as a GOTH and my dad came as her goth partner. My mum awkwardly added a LEASH to his outfit and dad wore leather gloves and a spiky necklace. It was kind of horrific (and very awkward) to experience this. It'd say that it was equally as awkward as my sister and I walking into like three sex shops to try and find an apron with naked body on it (that was the costume we wanted for my dad originally... cus dad cooked the dinner) We even went to "Adam and Eve" (all canberra people will know their TV ad) and when we walked in I started singing it "... Adam and eeeve in the garden of eden THERE'S SOMETHING FOR EEEEVERRRYONE at ADAM AND EVE.. do do do do do" - there wasn't something for us though. Hahahaha. Gee.

My brother came as himself but had his shirt caught in his fly and had toilet paper taped to the bottom of his shoe. My sister came as my identical twin (people kept going to her during the night and asking her questions - thinking that she was me) it was quite funny to watch. 

I had such a fantastic 21st party. A lot of my friends got into the spirit and dressed up which made me super happy!

The night was extremely chill. We set up a couple of fires outside and also some lights that hung around the backyard. My friends and family got comfortable and roasted marshmallows.

The food was super good!! Dad and mum cooked us a FEAST!

I was talking to Harry for about 10 minutes about how GREAT tofu is. "we should have a tofu partayyyy!" Hahaha. yes please.

I was so glad that most of my best friends were able to make it : ) ... Even the ones I haven't spoken to in a really long time (Like Panda and Adam)

They are SUCH good guys. They baked me a giant cookie that said "happy birthday". It's actually so kind that they thought of doing that for me and I was so impressed by their costume!!

I was also really glad to have my family and old family friends come!

We had a karaoke/juke box and Kylie and brother Will  were singing their faces off and IT WAS GREAT AND HILARIOUS. 

It was time for the cake and everyone was like "WHO IS DOING THE SPEECH?" and mum said "oooh i ammm!" and like... she did the most awkward and hilarious speech ever. She thanked everybody in the room for coming and then said "Izzy, we love you very much." while putting her hand on my shoulder and slowly pushing me away. - I can't really even describe this properly. It was meant to be a short speech... it went for a long time. 

In the morning, mum asked me "Does cider have alcohol....??" and I looked at her suspiciously and replied, ".... yes???? WHY?" and she said "Oh I had a couple of glasses." and my sister and I replied, "THAT'S WHY YOUR SPEECH WAS WEIRD!"

tipsy mother. you are great, thank you. (she doesn't normally drink)

At each of our 21st birthdays (sister, brother + mine) mum has put together a photo album with captioned images of our lives. It is very sweet and a really good short summary of what we've done and also sometimes quite funny the photos she chooses to put in. Friends and family are asked to write little notes at the back of it for me to read later. Gifts are really nice to receive... But I really loved reading what people wrote. I think it's so nice to put thought into writing something special. 

Thank you to my beautiful and magical family and friends for making my night so relaxing and happy.


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